The Participant Center supports enrollment of people who want to join All of Us but do not have access to a participating health care provider organization. It also provides educational information through trusted partners and designs and implements strategies to keep participants engaged over the long term.
Awardee: Scripps Research Translational Institute, San Diego, California
- 1nHealth
- Blood Assurance
- Bloodworks Northwest
- Care Evolution
- Denver Health and Hospital Authority
- Great Lakes Research Institiute
- Kalo Clinical Research
- LifeShare Blood Center
- LifeSouth Community Blood Center
- Mary's Center
- McAllen Research
- Montage Marketing Group
- New York Blood Center
- Our Blood Institute
- Quest Diagnostics
- San Diego Blood Bank
- South Texas Blood and Tissue
- Suncoast Blood Centers
Award Date: July 6, 2016
Funding Opportunity: RFA-PM-16-003