
The All of Us Research Program is a historic effort to collect and study data from one million or more people living in the United States. The goal of the program is better health for all of us. 

Our mission is to accelerate health research and medical breakthroughs, enabling individualized prevention, treatment, and care for all of us. This mission is carried out through three connected focus areas that are supported and made possible by a team that maintains a culture built around the program’s core values.

A graphical representation of the three primary goals of the All of Us research program, showing how they lead into and support one another. At the beginning of the process is nurturing partnerships for decades with at least a million participants who reflect the diversity of the U.S. That step leads to the goal of delivering one of the largest, richest biomedical datasets that is broadly available and secure. That step leads to the goal to catalyze an ecosystem of communities, researchers, and funders who make All of Us an indispensable part of health research. Each of the goals is made possible by a team that maintains a culture built around the program’s core values.

Learn more about the program

  • Program Overview: Read an introduction to the All of Us Research Program and precision medicine—a type of health care that treats each person as an individual.
  • What Makes All of Us Different: All of Us is unique for many reasons, including its size, commitment to diversity, and belief that participants should be partners in research.
  • Core Values: All of Us is guided by core values such as transparency, diversity, and keeping participant information secure.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Health care is more effective when people from all backgrounds are part of health research. All of Us is committed to recruiting a diverse participant pool that includes members of groups that have been left out of research in the past.
  • Protocol: The All of Us Research Program Protocol is a detailed plan for how the program will be run.
  • Who We Are: Find information on staff members, scientific experts, participant partners, and advisory groups that support the program.
  • FAQ: Find answers to frequently asked questions about All of Us.

Ready to join All of Us? Visit JoinAllofUs.org to learn more.

Questions? Contact us.

Last Reviewed: July 16, 2021