Research Highlights

All of Us is shaping how we understand health and disease. Research Highlights showcase the recent research powered by All of Us data and tools.


All of Us Helps Link Health Conditions With Severe COVID-19 Risk

A study linked 27 health conditions, including obesity, substance use disorders, and breathing problems, to the risk of severe COVID-19 in people of European ancestry. This study involved data from DNA and health records from more than half a million participants from three databases, including All of Us.


Exploring Polygenic Risk Scores Using All of Us

Polygenic risk scores are a measure of how likely you are to get a particular health condition—your risk—based on changes in many genes in your DNA. However, these scores are often most accurate for people of European ancestry, because past research left out many other groups. Researchers adjusted polygenic risk scores for 10 common conditions using the diverse genetic data in All of Us so that the scores are accurate for people from a variety of backgrounds.

All of Us Data Shows the Effect of Resilience in Difficult Times

A study of All of Us survey data confirmed that feelings of depression increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among participants who experienced discrimination. Having a high level of resilience lessened the effect of discrimination on mental health in some racial and ethnic groups.

Learning About the Health of Young Cancer Survivors With All of Us

The long-term health of teens and young adults who have had cancer has not been well studied. A look at All of Us data showed that young cancer survivors were more likely to have certain brain- and nerve-related conditions than participants who never had cancer. This age group may need unique treatment and management plans.

Finding Genetic Clues to Kidney Health in All of Us

People of African ancestry can be more likely to develop kidney disease if they have certain genetic variants. Researchers studied genetic data from three different databases, including the All of Us Research Program. They found another variant that protected people with the high-risk variants from developing kidney disease. This finding could help find new treatments for kidney disease.

Counting the Steps to Lower Diabetes Risk With All of Us

Being active can help prevent many diseases, including type 2 diabetes. Looking at Fitbit data from All of Us participants, researchers found that taking at least 10,700 steps a day was linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. The results suggest a lifestyle practice that people can take to help prevent diabetes.