Chris Lunt Named Chief Technology Officer of the All of Us Research Program

June 1, 2017
Portrait of Chris Lunt

The All of Us Research Program at the National Institutes of Health has selected Chris Lunt as chief technology officer. He will lead efforts to build an engagement and digital data platform to enable thousands of studies on what will be one of the world’s largest, most diverse biomedical data sets.  

The All of Us Research Program aims to enroll one million or more volunteers from diverse communities across the United States. By gathering a rich set of data from surveys, electronic health records, biosamples, physical measurements, wearable technologies, and more, the program will advance innovative health research that may lead to more precise treatments and prevention strategies.

As chief technology officer, Lunt will work with partners across the country to develop technologies that securely gather and integrate data into a growing collection for broad research use. He also will develop analytic approaches and visualization methods that allow researchers of many types to explore and understand the All of Us data set.

“I am thrilled to have Chris’s Silicon Valley expertise on our team to help build an open platform and ecosystem to accelerate precision medicine research,” said Eric Dishman, director of the All of Us Research Program. “His leadership will be key to our data analytics strategy and to building a fast, user-centered innovation process that a startup like ours requires.”

Lunt has more than 20 years of experience designing web services and other data platforms, and has spent the last 10 years working as a technology executive. He joins NIH from GetInsured, where he served as the vice president of government solutions for the past 4 years. There he worked with the federal government, states, and the vendor community to improve health insurance shopping and enrollment systems.

Previously, Lunt worked as an HHS entrepreneur. He also held previous positions as the vice president of engineering at Readyforce, the chief executive officer of Nombray, the founder and vice president of engineering at WisdomArk, and the senior director of engineering at Friendster.

“I am excited to bring my experience to a program that is building such a historic biomedical resource,” said Mr. Lunt. “I’m looking forward to working collaboratively with our partners to build a platform that supports research on new ways to improve health.”