News and Events

Learn about the latest program news, research findings and events. Contact our press office to be added to our media list or to arrange an interview.


Three people sitting at a table together, looking at All of Us materials

Research Roundup: All of Us Shares Its Scientific Priorities

Since launching the Researcher Workbench just four years ago, the All of Us Research Program has made data available from more than 400,000 participants across the United States to power new health discoveries. The program plans to release additional data from more participants in the coming years, pending the availability of funds.
Un hombre y una mujer, vistiendo camisetas del Programa Científico All of Us, están parados detrás de una mesa de información que contiene materiales de comunicación de All of Us. Están conversando con un hombre y entregándole un folleto sobre el programa.

El Programa Científico All of Us establece su primer convenio de colaboración a nivel estatal

El Programa Científico All of Us establece su primer convenio de colaboración a nivel estatal

Research Highlights

An illustration shows a woman with no hair, representing a cancer patient, wearing a medical mask. She is pointing with her index finger at a purple ribbon pinned on her chest area. A DNA helix is in the background. The All of Us logo is in the lower left corner.

Rare Finding in All of Us Data Affects DNA Testing for Certain Cancer Drugs

Experts thought that two variants in the DPYD gene always occurred together. A recent study of DNA data from more than 245,000 All of Us participants found that the variants do not always occur together. This finding has changed how health care providers use DNA tests to decide on the right dose of certain cancer treatments.

Voices of All of Us

Voices of All of Us highlights the personal perspectives and experiences of program participants, partners, researchers, and leaders. These profiles chronicle individual journeys to medical research and the path to the All of Us Research Program.


All of Us Pre-Conference Session and Workshop at Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE)

All of Us hosted two sessions at the CHARGE conference in Denver, Colorado.

May 22, 2024

Genes and Journeys: Bridging Gaps in Medical and Societal Accessibility

All of Us California, SciStarter, and the Network of the National Library of Medicine hosted an event that took a deep dive into the future of healthcare and accessibility.

April 29, 2024

All of Us Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Road Tour at Jackson State University

This hybrid event aimed to highlight how HBCU researchers at Jackson State University are using All of Us data.

April 23, 2024