Learn about the latest program news, research findings and events. Contact our press office to be added to our media list or to arrange an interview.
All of Us Research Program Announces Search for Director of Health Equity
NIH Launches UNITE Effort to End Structural Racism in Research
Los NIH anuncian la iniciativa UNITE para acabar con el racismo estructural en la investigación científica
Research Highlights
All of Us Helps Find Hidden Patterns in Type 2 Diabetes
DNA data helped explain why type 2 diabetes is so complex. Researchers found eight subgroups of type 2 diabetes, each with its own genetic patterns. Each pattern indicates the likely cause of type 2 diabetes, and some point to possible health effects, such as heart disease and kidney disease.
Voices of All of Us
Voices of All of Us highlights the personal perspectives and experiences of program participants, partners, researchers, and leaders. These profiles chronicle individual journeys to medical research and the path to the All of Us Research Program.