News and Events

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A young adult male wearing glasses is looking at a computer screen. Another screen computer is shown behind him.

Research Roundup: SAS Brings Potential for New Research on the All of Us Researcher Workbench

On April 10, the All of Us Research Program released SAS Viya (known as “SAS Studio”) on its cloud-based Researcher Workbench platform. In the point-and-click SAS Studio application, researchers can perform powerful statistical analyses and data visualizations with data from electronic health records, surveys, wearables, and more.

Research Highlights

An illustration shows post-it notes of different colors, posted inside a folder of medical records. The first one, in green, represents 2 different medicines being taken together, with a green check mark under them. Another red post-it also represents 2 medicines being combined, but with an X under them. The All of Us Research Program logo is in the lower left corner.

Checking Medicine Safety With All of Us

Researchers looked at All of Us and another database to learn more about medicine safety. They found five pairs of medicines that were linked to major health problems when taken at the same time. Large health datasets could give researchers a new way to study which medicines are safe to take together.

Voices of All of Us

Voices of All of Us highlights the personal perspectives and experiences of program participants, partners, researchers, and leaders. These profiles chronicle individual journeys to medical research and the path to the All of Us Research Program.


All of Us Booth and Workshop at the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) Annual Meeting

In the “Genomic Analysis in the All of Us Researcher Workbench” workshop at the ASHG Annual Meeting, attendees learned about the Researcher Workbench and the program.

November 1, 2023

Utilizing the All of Us Research Program for Substance Use and Mental Health Research

The National Institute on Drug Abuse and the All of Us Research Program hosted an engaging webinar entitled, “Utilizing the All of Us Research Program for Substance Use and Mental Health Research.” This webinar provided viewers tools to learn how to become an All of Us researcher, demonstrate how you can take your research to the next level using the All of Us Researcher Workbench, and hear exciting presentations on addiction and mental health research using data from the All of Us Research Program.

September 29, 2023

All of Us Booth and Workshop at NIH Research Festival

The NIH Intramural Research Program hosted the NIH Research Festival. The event included lectures by early-career investigators, workshops, poster sessions, an NIH information fair, and more. The All of Us exhibit booth aimed to showcase how to leverage the All of Us dataset for your research.

September 18, 2023