Local Community and/or Participant Advisory Boards (C/PABs)

The All of Us Research Program is committed to supporting participants as partners and aspires to be a successful model of participant and community engagement in research. All of Us recommends that its awardees establish and maintain community and/or participant advisory boards (C/PABs) at the awardee or site level to ensure that there is an effective and consistent method for receiving local input from All of Us participants and their communities.

There are more than 25 C/PABs throughout the program that meet regularly and provide feedback on national and local matters, including messaging and protocols. Some advisory boards have been in place and were operating long before the All of Us Research Program and have incorporated the All of Us Research Program into their agendas, while others were established specifically to address the needs of the program. Together, these advisory boards include more than 300 participants and community members from various demographics.

Roles and responsibilities for these board members vary among institutions based on need and interest. Members of these C/PABs may be asked to:

  • Work with multiple partners, including All of Us participants, community members, and All of Us staff
  • Provide guidance on methods, such as those for recruiting and keeping participants
  • Help guide the design of promotional messages, recruitment, and engagement materials
  • Share their knowledge and experience

Below are a few of the All of Us partner institutions that have C/PABs.

Last Reviewed: August 31, 2021