The All of Us Research Program has determined an updated timeline for its government-to-government Consultation with American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Nations, first begun in spring 2019. The current period of Tribal Consultation extends until November 30, 2019 to ensure additional time for input, per Tribal organizations’ recommendations. After the completion of Tribal Consultation, All of Us will publish a report summarizing the comments and concerns the program has received and outlining initial plans for addressing the issues raised by Tribal leaders. The All of Us program is committed to ongoing Tribal engagement and is also open to Consultation with Tribal Nations in the future.
Through Consultation, All of Us seeks to respectfully engage with Tribal Nations to develop meaningful, culturally appropriate collaborations with AI/AN populations. The goal of this Tribal Consultation is to provide an opportunity for Tribal and Urban Indian organization leadership to have meaningful input, to implement the appropriate protections to comply with Tribal research oversight and laws, and to facilitate information exchange. Input and comments are welcome at: Visit to learn more about the current All of Us Tribal Consultation and to view the report once published.