
Un hombre y una mujer, vistiendo camisetas del Programa Científico All of Us, están parados detrás de una mesa de información que contiene materiales de comunicación de All of Us. Están conversando con un hombre y entregándole un folleto sobre el programa.

El Programa Científico All of Us establece su primer convenio de colaboración a nivel estatal

El Programa Científico All of Us de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH, por sus siglas en inglés) ha unido esfuerzos con el estado de California para impulsar sus metas compartidas de potenciar las investigaciones científicas y mejorar la salud. El estado comprometerá 9.5 millones de…

June 5, 2024

Women sit at a table with open laptops. One woman looks at her screen, while another smiles to someone not pictured.

All of Us Research Program Seeks Input on Future Expansion of Dataset

The National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program is seeking input on new data streams to link within its Researcher Workbench. By linking additional types of data to the already-robust dataset, the program intends to help researchers examine diverse factors that influence health…

June 3, 2024

Type: Announcements

Two senior-aged men review All of Us Research Program information on a kiosk at an outdoor event.

All of Us Participants Are Fueling Mental Health Research

Participants with the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program are supporting new areas of mental health research. In total, more than 185,000 participants have been diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point in their lifetime and are sharing their experiences with the…

May 17, 2024

Type: Announcements