
Un estudiante investigador trabaja en una computadora

Investigadores Identifican 275 Millones de Variantes Genéticas Nuevas con Información de Medicina de Precisión de los NIH

Read in English Un grupo de investigadores ha descubierto más de 275 millones de variantes genéticas de las que no se había informado previamente. Estas variantes se identificaron a partir de la información compartida por casi 250,000 participantes del Programa Científico All of Us de los…

February 19, 2024

Type: Announcements


All of Us Dataset Positioned to Advance Heart Disease Research

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States – responsible for 1 in 5 deaths[i]. Data from the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program show that more than 89,000 participants have heart disease, according to electronic health record data. This includes…

February 8, 2024

Type: Announcements

Portrait of Dr. Harvey Murff and Dr. Stephen Sodeke

Research Roundup: Meet the Resource Access Board

The All of Us Research Program aims to advance precision medicine by building one of the largest research resources of its kind. To complete this undertaking, the program strives to partner with at least one million participants from diverse backgrounds. When All of Us first launched the Researcher…

December 14, 2023

Type: Announcements