The National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program trained 18 community college educators to use the Research Workbench in their curriculum. The training was part of the third annual Research Hub Summer Institute, hosted by the University of Utah.

Nearly 40,000 All of Us Research Program participants identify as LGBTQIA+, contributing data for health research. This community has come together to share their health story with the program. The strong representation of this community makes the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program the largest and most accessible data from LGBTQIA+ people for health research.

Since launching the Researcher Workbench just four years ago, the All of Us Research Program has made data available from more than 400,000 participants across the United States to power new health discoveries. The program plans to release additional data from more participants in the coming years, pending the availability of funds. These data releases and other activities will be guided by the program’s scientific priorities—now outlined in a new roadmap to show how All of Us aims to advance precision medicine for all.  










El Programa Científico All of Us de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH, por sus siglas en inglés) ha unido esfuerzos con el estado de California para impulsar sus metas compartidas de potenciar las investigaciones científicas y mejorar la salud. El estado comprometerá 9.5 millones de dólares durante los próximos cuatro años para extender los esfuerzos de difusión de All of Us en California y promover la participación en el programa, facilitando la creación de formas personalizadas para prevenir y tratar las enfermedades.  

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