News and Events

Learn about the latest program news, research findings and events. Contact our press office to be added to our media list or to arrange an interview.

Research Highlights

An illustration shows a woman with no hair, representing a cancer patient, wearing a medical mask. She is pointing with her index finger at a purple ribbon pinned on her chest area. A DNA helix is in the background. The All of Us logo is in the lower left corner.

Rare Finding in All of Us Data Affects DNA Testing for Certain Cancer Drugs

Experts thought that two variants in the DPYD gene always occurred together. A recent study of DNA data from more than 245,000 All of Us participants found that the variants do not always occur together. This finding has changed how health care providers use DNA tests to decide on the right dose of certain cancer treatments.

Voices of All of Us

Voices of All of Us highlights the personal perspectives and experiences of program participants, partners, researchers, and leaders. These profiles chronicle individual journeys to medical research and the path to the All of Us Research Program.


All of Us Researchers Convention

This free, virtual event provided an opportunity for researchers who use All of Us data to showcase their work for others who share their interests in precision medicine.

April 3, 2024

All of Us Booth at Rare Disease Day

All of Us hosted at Rare Disease Day on the NIH Campus on February 29, 2024. All of Us had a booth and poster at Rare Disease Day in the Natcher Conference Center on the NIH campus. Attendees had the opportunity to learn how All of Us can help researchers better understand rare diseases and discuss what rare disease research opportunities there are with the All of Us dataset.

February 29, 2024

All of Us Researchers Convention Informational Webinar

All of Us hosted a webinar about the Researchers Convention. It covered abstract submission instructions, best practices for developing an abstract, and more.

January 9, 2024