The All of Us Research Program has launched the Fitbit Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) project. Now, in addition to providing health information through surveys, electronic health records, and biosamples, participants can choose to share data from their Fitbit accounts to help researchers make discoveries. The project is a key step for the program in integrating digital health technologies for data collection.

The All of Us Research Program has recently issued a funding opportunity for a Genetic Counseling Resource to support the responsible return of genomic results to participants. With plans to sequence the genomes of one million participants, All of Us is poised to make a significant investment in research on how to deliver genetic counseling at scale.

The All of Us Research Program welcomes the Asian Health Coalition as its newest community engagement partner. In this role, the group will raise awareness about the program and the opportunity for diverse communities to participate in precision medicine research.

Today the All of Us Research Program launches its 2018 – 2019 All of Us Journey tour with its second traveling educational exhibit. This latest All of Us Journey is designed both to raise awareness about the research program and to enable interested people to join the program right onboard, including answering surveys and giving their physical measurements and biosamples.  

The new mobile exhibit has added features and hands-on activities:

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