A central principle of the All of Us Research Program is to include participants as partners. Recently, 22 additional individuals have joined the program to serve on All of Us committees and help support the design, implementation, and governance of the program.

Fifteen additional community organizations and health care provider associations have joined the All of Us Research Program’s growing network of engagement partners to raise awareness about the program and its potential to advance precision medicine.

The All of Us Research Program has released a new Web page with free downloadable materials, including FAQs, brochures, and videos, to help community members spread the word about the program. Many of the materials are available in both English and Spanish.

Visit the new Community Resources page.

In July, the All of Us Research Program established a working group of its advisory panel to help inform the program’s plans for enrollment of children. The Child Enrollment Scientific Vision Working Group has now completed its report, outlining key scientific opportunities that may be enabled by the inclusion of children from diverse backgrounds in the program. 

The All of Us Research Program Advisory Panel recently established a new working group to provide input on the inclusion of American Indian and Alaska Native  populations in the program. The group will identify strategies for developing meaningful, culturally sensitive collaborations with these communities.

For more information, see the group’s charge and roster

The Genomics Working Group of the All of Us Research Program’s Advisory Panel recently completed its final report, suggesting that the program consider a phased approach for genomic analyses, ramping up in a systematic way before attempting to analyze genomes at the scale of 1 million program participants.

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