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NIH’s All of Us Research Program and the National Library of Medicine (NLM) have teamed up to raise awareness about the program, a landmark effort to advance precision medicine. Through this collaboration, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine has received a $4.5 million award to support community engagement efforts by public libraries across the United States and to improve participant access.

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Fourteen national community groups and health care provider associations have partnered with the All of Us Research Program, part of the National Institutes of Health, to help raise awareness about the program—an effort to engage 1 million or more volunteers across the country to build one of the largest, most diverse datasets of its kind for health research.

The All of Us Research Program Advisory Panel recently established a new working group to help inform the program’s comprehensive genomics strategy. The group will consider various issues, including the evolving nature of genome sequencing technologies, the analysis of genomic data on a large scale, and the program’s commitment to return information to participants.

The National Institutes of Health announced its first four community partner awards to begin building a national network of trusted leaders to motivate diverse communities to join the All of Us Research Program, part of the Precision Medicine Initiative. This initial group of awardees will receive a combined $1.7 million this fiscal year, with future support planned pending the availability of funds.

From its very beginning, the All of Us Research Program has benefited from the insights of colleagues across NIH, who have helped shape the program and envision future possibilities. In this way, All of Us is very much an NIH-wide initiative that transcends disciplinary boundaries.

This month the All of Us Research Program established a new working group of its advisory panel to help inform the program’s plans for enrollment of children. This is the first of two working groups dedicated to this effort. This initial working group will focus on the kinds of research projects that would be enabled by having children of diverse backgrounds included in the All of Us Research Program.

I’m happy to announce that we’ve begun enrolling our first participants as beta testers of the All of Us Research Program. This is a major milestone in our progress to date, and one of many more to come for our startup research consortium that came together less than a year ago.

The mission of the All of Us Research Program is to accelerate health research and medical breakthroughs, enabling individualized prevention, treatment, and care for all of us.

The All of Us Research Program at the National Institutes of Health has selected Chris Lunt as chief technology officer. He will lead efforts to build an engagement and digital data platform to enable thousands of studies on what will be one of the world’s largest, most diverse biomedical data sets.  

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